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Refugee Family Reunification Trust

What We Do

The aim of the Refugee Family Reunification Trust is to raise funds to financially assist refugees in Wellington with the costs of bringing qualifying family members to join them here. The Trust helps refugees living in the Wellington region who have significant family members left behind in refugee camps and similar situations.

Refugees are a particularly disadvantaged sector of our community, suffering greatly from forced separation from their loved ones. Priority is given to the most vulnerable refugees – such as solo mothers, children, those with disabilities, the elderly and the unwell.

Family reunification is very expensive and so, without assistance from our Trust, many of these families would never be able to get back together again, thereby hindering the ability of those already here to successfully resettle in New Zealand.



To qualify for assistance from the Refugee Family Reunification Trust, an applicant must:


The Trust works closely with other refugee agencies, including:

Refugees We Help

The Trust helps refugees from many countries, including those originally from Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Cambodia, Myanmar, Colombia, Sri Lanka and Banda Ache.